Thursday, November 19, 2009

Chiropractor Lawrenceville GA presents a Brief about Chiropractic Care for Children

An increasing number of people the world over are turning to chiropractic care when it comes to addressing a wide range of ailments and disorders. While one might think that benefit through chiropractic care is limited to adults, this is far from the truth. There are numerous children who have benefited through chiropractic care, and the data actually speaks for itself.
Even in the early 90’s, close to 20 million children consulted chiropractors each year. Since then, this number has gone up considerably. Conditions that a chiropractor can address when it comes to children include ear, nose and throat infections; allergies; asthma; infantile colic; otitis media; cerebral palsy; headaches; back and neck aches; sleep disturbances; respiratory problems; etc.
Chiropractic care essentially involves manipulation of the spine, and requires to be practiced by someone who has the required skills, training, and experience, all the more so when it comes to dealing with children. Chiropractors (doctor of chiropractic care) use a drug free hands-on approach when it comes to addressing any issue, and the care that is provides comprises of examination and diagnosis, followed by treatment.
While a normal chiropractor has to go through a four year graduate program after the undergrad education, a chiropractor who deals with paediatric care has to go through additional training.

When it comes to treating your child, the first thing that a chiropractor would do is go through your child’s medical history. The spine’s physical examination would follow. Making adjustments is the spines of young children require very gentle pressure to make corrections. There are instances when one can hear a popping sound when these adjustments are being made, but this is only normal and not indicative of any problem.
Chiropractic care is also very important in instances when children are involved in road accidents and come out of them seemingly unhurt. Consulting a chiropractor in such as instance will rule out any whiplash injury, injuries which do not necessarily show up at the time of the accident, and injuries which can manifest till six months after the actual accident.
Remember that consulting a chiropractor for treating your child is something that you should think about, especially if you haven’t found relief even after consulting mainstream doctors and specialists. In fact, there are many members of the medical fraternity who suggest chiropractic care to many of their patients, and if you are looking for a Lawrenceville chiropractor (Chiropractor Lawrenceville GA), do know that you have options.

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