Monday, September 28, 2009
Chiropractor in Lawrenceville GA for Sciatica (Sciatic Pain)
While people to tend to think of Sciatica as a disorder, this isn’t actually the case. This is basically just a symptom that points in the direction of sciatic nerve probably being compressed. This could happen due to the varied changes that the spine goes through and could include trauma, old age, or the nerve being strangulated by a muscle.
The first thing that needs to be done in such a case is to identify what is causing the problem. Addressing this problem is best left to a Chiropractor, and Chiropractic care can help identify the source of the problem.
If you experience sciatic pain, you could suffer from one of the following conditions.
Herniated Discs:
This is when pressure is caused due to a bulging or herniated disc. This can be due to events such as automobile accidents, or extended periods of uneven pressure being applied owing to muscle imbalance. While this can result in sciatic pain, there are instances when people with this condition experience no pain at all, not even being aware of the condition’s existence.
Piriformis Syndrome:
This is a very common reason for the occurrence of sciatic pain, and this is when the piriformis muscle applies pressure on the sciatic nerve. A muscle imbalance would pull the pelvis and the hip joints out of place, thereby causing the piriformis muscle’s positioning to change, which would then lead to pressure being applied to the sciatic nerve, resulting in pain.
Isthmic Spondylolisthesis:
This is when pressure is caused due to Isthmic spondylolisthesis, which is basically just a vertebra moving or slipping. While this can, at times, touch the sciatic nerve, there are people with this condition who do not complain of sciatic pain.
In looking for relief from sciatic pain in any of these cases, you can truly benefit from Chiropractic care by visiting a chiropractor in Lawrenceville GA.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Healing Pain the Natural way with Chiropractor in Lawrenceville GA
The benefits of chiropractic care can be counted in more ways than one. Since this treatment focuses on healing in the natural way, the benefits of chiropractic care can have multiple health benefits. While some people have experienced improved eyesight, some have stopped complaining about their breathing problems. On the other hand, the effect of the treatment has reflected in a better digestive system in many. Chiropractic care is also efficient in improving blood circulation and heart rates.
Besides all this, the nervous system also has the positive impact in the form of better connectivity among the muscles, nerves, and the entire musculoskeletal system. The well being of the body depends largely on how well the nervous system functions, and so, with the help of chiropractic care the complete body network gets benefited, improving the overall health significantly.
Chiropractic care can be categorized into two to three major categories, namely, Relief Care, Maintenance Care, and Corrective Care. As the name suggests, Relief Care provides immediate relief from pain and anxiety. Depending on the level of damage, your chiropractor decides how many sittings you might require to get complete relief. Maintenance Care refers to the after treatment therapy, where your spine has already been treated but still requires constant attention to help the spine recover from the weakness. Depending on the intensity of the problem, you might require in every 2 to 6 weeks. Corrective Care is provided to those suffering from spinal discomfort and pain for a long time. Corrective Care requires is usually provided for a longer duration till the damage has been corrected. The duration will depend on the level of damaged sustained by you.
If you are in Lawrenceville and looking out for a reputed Chiropractor in Lawrenceville GA, you can browse through the internet and get details of some of the best Lawrenceville chiropractors. Many websites offer free consultation opportunities for which you simply need to dial the number displayed on the website and discuss your problems. You can also request appointments by filling up simple online forms. All you need to do is provide some details such as your name, intended date and time of appointment, your telephone number and email, specify whether you are a new or existing patient, etc. Depending on the availability you will receive a reply on your appointment status. Alternatively, you can take references from your friends and family, who have undergone chiropractic treatment with some experienced and reputed Chiropractor in Lawrenceville GA.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Chiropractor in Lawrenceville GA for Headache
One might wonder how can this greatly affect and have an impact on health care. The correlation between headaches and productivity has been tied up together with the frequent tardiness and absenteeism of employees. Many universities and clinics have already made different studies and surveys regarding the correlation. The results have proved their observations and assumptions right.
The number of people that lacks understanding on the cause of migraine has been increasing. People often would take headaches not seriously. It wouldn’t even cross their mind to visit a chiropractor to get a chiropractic care. It was also observed that people suffering from severe headaches often visit a chiropractor due to treatment dissatisfaction from medical health professionals. They would rather have a chiropractic care than a medicine intake.
Best treatment for headaches
Simple headaches have a number of medical treatment options available. There are prevention medicines which are normally taken daily to avoid current episode or future occurrence of a headache. Prescriptions can come in the form of beta blockers, analgesics or non-steroid Imitrex and some resort to injections of narcotic in cases of emergency situations.
Chiropractic treatment is a practical treatment to prevent future episodes. This includes adjustments and manipulation of cervical spine, occiput and the upper thoracic. It has actually been proven to be effective from curing the headaches. The chiropractic care is supplemented only if headaches are diagnosed to have a connection with the neck and spine.
Whether or not you decide to choose what best option you have, you should not ignore or take headache for granted especially when it is recurring and chronic already. Most of the time, we would self diagnose and take pain relievers hoping that it would go away and never happen again. There are different causes and so the treatment to the specific cause must be identified in order to carefully assess what is the best thing to do.
Although medicines would sometimes and generally reduce the throbbing, it is also recommended to go and see a chiropractor. It would be worthy to give yourself a proper chiropractic care.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Essential Elements of Weight Loss using Chiropractic Techniques

Weight loss is perhaps the most sought after treatments today, with increasing number of people suffering from excess weight due to wrong eating, lack of exercise and hectic lifestyles. Many companies are providing various kinds of diet programs that guarantee weight loss but most do not produce any results while many cause harmful side effects that lead to myriad problems later in life. While choosing a diet program or a weight loss regime, it is important to understand the exact nature of our body and accordingly choose one. This is the basic quotient of chiropractic weight loss method that is now prevalent in many parts of the world. Chiropractors use your body history and strengths to help you lose weight effectively and maintain that weight loss over a period of time.
Chiropractic care deals with your weight problem holistically, addressing all possible issues and reasons simultaneously. In addition, chiropractors design your diet and exercise regime based on the detailed study of your body history and requirements. Given the fact that it is a personal diet and exercise regime design, it is more effective than all the general diet programs available in the market. Moreover, the constant inputs and motivation from the chiropractor ensures that you continue with the program. Chiropractors have helped millions of people lose weight by this personalized regime and have been successful in maintaining the weight loss.
Prior to choosing this treatment for weight loss, it is important that you understand the basics of chiropractic care for weight loss. The first step in any weight loss regime using chiropractic techniques is to conduct a complete body analysis, which includes details of current body weight, height, blood pressure details, medical history, details of ailments etc. This works as a base for chiropractors to design the entire weight loss program for the concerned person. In addition, some chiropractors conduct extensive tests and also body composition diagnosis so as to get a perfect picture of the actual problem.
Based on the results of all the tests and complete history of the person, a diet and exercise regime is created to suit individual needs. In addition, the chiropractor counsels his patients about diet, healthy eating, proper eating and all necessary dietary routines that need to be followed. Nutritional supplements and herbal medicines may also be used for weight loss, if required but this largely depends on the individual and the chiropractor. Apart from a balanced diet, chiropractors advise their patients on the different kinds of exercise routines that should follow the diet program. Exercise regime starts from simple exercises that require less time to a more full fledged workout and in addition, chiropractors help you learn how to lose double the weight in half the time by spending more energy while doing something.
Finally, for any weight loss program to be effective, it has to become a part of your lifestyle. Chiropractors help inculcate this diet program into your lifestyle and ease the transition from your earlier lifestyle into the new one. In addition, they counsel their patients on various behavioral problems that might be the cause of excessive weight.