Thursday, July 30, 2009
Are You Suffering From Disc Disorders?
We have the answer you've been looking for!!! We have a disc decompression table that helps rejuvenate the discs without pain or discomfort! Find out how you can get help without the use of drugs or surgery.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Pitcher gets Famous Thanks to Chiropractic Help
Cole Hamels, the baseball pitcher, was part of his team's disabled list around a year back, and had to sit out a majority of the games during that period due to injuries. This is the same pitcher that is now being celebrated as the Most Valuable Player for helping his team win the World Championship in the World Series 2008.
He pitches for the Philadelphia Phillies. He started to develop elbow problems during the last part of the 2007 season, and these were so bad that they kept him on the side-lines. He had suffered from knee pain and hip pain related matters earlier but had received help in the form of Chiropractic assistance.
Before the start of the 2008 season, he is known to have requested his team's management for the availability of Chiropractic care to be given to him and his fellow teammates when they played in Philadelphia. He also requested that this Chiropractic care also be provided in the other cities that they travel to playing their scheduled games.
Once the team management agreed, Hamels went on to say that using a Chiropractor's help had worked very well for him, and that it was a good thing that the management had put in place, a team of Chiropractors in different cities. This was in April 2009. He went on to saying that after this Chiropractic care was made completely available, he had an opinion that they could achieve the 20 game winning mark for that season.
While he did not get to the 20 game number that he had set out for, he did finish the year with a notable 14-10 record. This got his team to the conference championship, and also got them a spot in the play offs. This is the time when Hamels began to do extremely well.
The first of his play off appearances was in opposition to the Milwaukee Brewers. He did a great job and got his team in the next round where they had to face the Los Angeles Dodgers. He pitched in their series first game and again helped his team win, getting his team a spot in the World Series. The MVP was then awarded to Hamels for the League Championship Series.
Owing to the recent success, and feeling good about his health, the World Series saw him taking to the mound in the first game opposite the Tampa Bay Rays, and helping his team get a victory. Hamels was called to play again in the last game, and pitched his way to victory. He got the much sought after MVP award for his performance in the 2008 World Series.
His amazing performance in the post season coupled with the record of 4 wins and no losses will surely be remembered for some time to come. In contrast to the 2007 season, where he was nursing his pitching arm, Hamels was now in the spotlight, and even featured on a number of TV shows such as the Late Night Show with David Letterman.
It is obvious that the confidence that he had in Chiropractic care along with his willingness to work in taking care of his fitness, had helped him succeed during the season. Well done Chiropractors, the Phillies, and Cole Hamels.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Pro athletes benefit from chiropractic care
In the previous year, baseball teams like the Boston Red Sox (World champions) and the Philadelphia Phillies have employed the services of Chiropractors to help their players perform well and remain in top notch condition. Clubs in the major league have to play 162 games as part of the schedule, and this includes a fair amount of travelling as well. Typical baseball seasons begin in late Feb and go on till early Oct. Teams looking at Playoffs or the World series have to push till late Oct.
The players of the Boston Red Sox can be seen with their Chiropractor, Michael Weinman, D.C, for 3 to 4 hours before they start their home games. He says that players can stay away from bothersome injuries and also perform at optimum levels when their muscles, joints, as well as nerves, are all in top condition. He also says that adjustments made by a Chiropractor can also better one's overall physical health and thereby result in excellent performances.
Injuries that are common in baseball players include mid & low back injury, neck injury, rotator-cuff injury, and also hamstring injury. Hamstring related problems normally start because of players having to suddenly leap into action fast from a standing position while making their plays.
Most of Dr. Weinman's work involves helping thwart inflammations, breaking up adhesions, and adjusting various joints to enhance mobility. He, along with his trainers, physical therapists, and massage therapists look to have had a good effect on the team, as they won against the Colorado Rookies in four straight games, to win the World Series.
The Phillies are now to have a Chiropractors network in all the cities where they are scheduled to play their games (home and away). The first player in the team who requested the presence of Chiropractors was the pitcher, Cole Hammels. He is of the opinion that he missed out on games in 2007 (being on the disabled list) because he did not get Chiropractic assistance for his elbow strain.
Hamels also said that he was very happy with the knowledge that the team was making efforts to ensure that they get Chiropractic assistance while they are paying in different cities. Other players in the team are also likely to take the assistance of the Chiropractors in coping with the adjusting extremities. He added that owing to consulting a Chiropractor he has surely benefited, and that it was great that the team was going out of their way to provide the players with this assistance. According to Hamels, the team could very well get to be a 20 game winner in this season, thanks to the Chiropractic services that are now available to all the players of the team.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Natural solution to depression
People who are suffering from depression take prescription drugs to deal with their everyday life. These people may benefit greatly from natural herbal remedy that is time-tested instead of taking prescription medication. St. John's wort is well known for its treatment for mild to moderate symptoms of depression that may prove to be even more effective than antidepressants.
The definition of the word "wort" is medicinal plant. It is made from the extracts of Hypericum Perforatum plant also known as Tipton's weed. It has been prescribed in the European countries as a depression and sleep disorder treatment.
The Centre for Complementary Medicine in Munich, Germany recently conducted a study with 5,489 patients with symptoms of serious depression. The lead researcher Klaus Linde said that St. John's Wort used in the study were superior to the placebos and as effective as the antidepressants with less side effects. Also, interestingly enough, fewer persons taking the St. John's Wort dropped out of the study due to unpleasant side effects.
Although the study result proved the benefits of St. John's Wort, Linde suggests patients to be cautious when switching to the herbal remedy. "Using a St. John's wort extract might be justified, but products on the market vary considerably," he said.
It is still very good to know the impact that St. John's Wort could have with the large population in the U.S. turning to prescription medication for even mild symptoms of depression. Based on the results of this study, many Americans can seek help without the use of these toxic and addictive drugs.
As a Wellness professional, I believe that excellent physical health naturally creates excellent mental health. When the body is sick, so is the mind. In our office, we not only treat the physical misalignment of the body, but we also provide nutritional analysis to see what is causing the lack of energy or sleep that may cause your mood to be poor.
Dr. Ross Carter D.C.
Chief Wellness Consultant
Discover Family Wellness Center
1860 Duluth Hwy
Suite 103
Lawrenceville, GA 30043
(770) 817-4445
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Exercise reduces chances of stroke
The study consisted of 61,000 participants from 1970 and ended in 2001 at the Cooper Aerobics Center in Dallas, Texas. The age range was 18 to 100 and no one had a cardiovascular challenge. In the duration of the study, 692 men and 171 women had strokes.
The study started with testing the participants' fitness level by using treadmills and they were divided into four groups according to their fitness level. The results were that men with the highest fitness level had 40 percent lower chance of having a stroke than those men in lower fitness level. Even the participants who engaged in moderate activity such as taking a walk 5 days a week had benefited greatly. The results were women were about the same.
The positive effects of exercising outweighed the chances of bad health conditions that are caused from smoking, history of cardiovascular disease, alcohol consumption, high blood pressure and cholesterol, and diabetes.
Most participants were mainly caucasian who are well educated and have upper income levels, so the results for other ethnic groups and lifestyle levels needs to be researched. However, physical fitness reducing the chances of stroke is inevitable. Even if a person doesn't own a exercise machines such as treadmills, a brisk walk for 30 minutes, 5 days a week or walking in the mall with friends will do the trick.