Thursday, December 31, 2009
Traits to Look For while Choosing a Chiropractor in Lawrenceville GA
Firstly, it is important that your chosen chiropractor has a good bedside manner, which essentially means that he or she should be able to put the patient at ease by speaking to them in a pleasant tone. It is essential that you feel comfortable with your chiropractor and are able to tell them about your problem in detail.
A good chiropractor is one who listens to his or her patients carefully without interrupting. It is important to be able to understand the problem completely and in order to do so, you have to listen well. Listening well will also mean that you understand the problem well and are able to diagnose it better. Additionally, it is important that the chiropractor is able to translate his or her findings and diagnosis into easily understandable terms. For any patient to really get well, it is important that he or she understands the exact problem and this is possible only if the chiropractor explains it in simple terms.
A good chiropractor in Lawrenceville GA is one who has excellent analytical skills that he or she puts to good use in both understanding the ailment of the patient as well as in deciphering the various treatments available to the patient. It is important to be able to pinpoint the best possible treatment for an ailment and this can be achieved through good analysis of the case.
For a chiropractor to be good and well known, it is important that he or she is perseverant and determined to find a cure or treatment for even those ailments that are not easily curable. Often chiropractors are faced with patients who have diseases that they cannot really diagnose immediately. Under such circumstances, it is important that the chiropractor perseveres in finding the exact nature of the problem as well as the treatment for the same.
Leadership skills are equally important in a chiropractor. It is pertinent to note that chiropractors do not operate alone but work as a team, often having other members of the staff helping them. When visiting a chiropractor in Lawrenceville GA, you will find them being able to easily handle the problems of both their patients as well as their staff, thereby exhibiting excellent leadership skills. This ensures that both patients as well as the staff trust the chiropractor implicitly.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Chiropractor in Lawrenceville GA for Care during Pregnancy
When it comes to providing care to a pregnant woman, a chiropractor would essentially take two aspects into consideration; neurological and structural. While the neurological aspect would focus on unhindered flow of impulses within the body’s nerve system, the structural aspect would focus on enabling proper movement and providing symmetrical alignment. This, on the whole, would result in good overall psychological and physiological conditions for the expectant mother as well as the growing fetus.
In addressing the functioning of the nervous system, chiropractic care takes into account that various emotional and physical factors can be at play that can result in the expectant mother experiencing stress. Chiropractic care enables the body to use its own defense mechanism in handling stress, thereby ensuring that the childbirth process becomes more manageable.
When it comes to addressing the structural changes, chiropractic care takes into account that the body of an expectant mother goes through a variety of changes, both hormonal and postural. Also, since there is an increased pressure on the expectant mother’s pelvis and spine (due to the weight of the fetus), this is also something that a chiropractor takes into account.
Establishing proper alignment of the spine and pelvic balance is particularly important as this can have an affect on the amount of space that the fetus has in order to fully develop. A misaligned pelvis, medically referred to as an ‘intrauterine constraint’, can also result in complications during the delivery stage. Since the nervous system plays a vital role in almost every bodily function, keeping your spine and nervous system in order would ensure that your body functions at optimum levels.
Also, while the process of carrying a child for nine months can be quite challenging, do remember that help is at hand. If you are looking for a chiropractor in Lawrenceville GA, do know that you have options. After all, chiropractic care can make you feel more relaxed and improve your mobility; and you would also have more energy to go about with your every day life.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
What can a Chiropractor in Lawrenceville GA Do for You?
You should know that effective chiropractic care should address the overall wellbeing of the sufferer. This field is easily amongst the most commonly recommended alternative form of medicine, and it addresses most problems taking into account that many ailments are caused due to the nervous system being impaired on account of a problem in the sufferer’s bones, tendons, muscles, etc. Also, in some scenarios chiropractors are known to refer their patients to doctors and specialists if deemed necessary.
Chiropractic care can essentially be divided into three broad spectrums. These include relief care, corrective care, and maintenance care. Relief care is provided when the sufferer is in extreme discomfort and pain. The frequency of visits in this case would depend on the severity of the damage. Corrective care comes into the picture when the problem is a longstanding one. Treatment in this case, would also be long term. Maintenance care takes into account the fact that the body does need constant attention for maximum efficacy, and in this case a visit to a chiropractor every once a month is often more than enough.
Remember, chiropractic care is not limited to providing relief from back and neck pain, though it does work well in doing that. There are numerous instances of people suffering from conditions such as sciatica, fibromyalgia, carpal tunnel, migraines, etc, having benefited by receiving suitable chiropractic care. Chiropractic care is also known to ease the birthing process, and a number of people are also turning to chiropractic care in trying to quit smoking, lose weight, etc. The number of people turning to chiropractic care for overall wellbeing has also risen considerably in the last decade.
However, irrespective of what you read about chiropractic care, you would not know what to expect until you actually meet a chiropractor. So if you are wondering how you can benefit by consulting a chiropractor in Lawrenceville GA, you simply have to visit one to find out.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Chiropractor in Lawrenceville GA for Wellness Care
Through regular visits to the chiropractor and by being on a good exercise and diet plan, you can be sure that you will minimize the chances of getting most medical complications that arise due to age. And if you are already suffering from an ailment that is linked to your spine, then you can be sure that your chiropractor will improve your spine’s functionality, and also help prevent any problems in the future.
Chiropractic Care for Wellbeing:
While popular perception links pain and disease with wellbeing, an ideal approach to overall wellbeing should take into account factors that include mental, physical, spiritual, and social aspects. Since chiropractic care focuses on the nerve system, and since the nerve system plays an important role in almost every bodily function, chiropractic care can help play a very important role in a person’s wellbeing.
Chiropractic care takes a holistic approach into addressing wellbeing, and a chiropractor would devise a diet plan, an exercise regime, and suggest therapies such as massage therapy, in accordance to your specific requirements. This would result in your having increased energy levels, higher levels of endurance, more vitality, etc. and this would lead to your feeling better mentally as well.
If you think you already lead a healthy lifestyle which incorporates good eating habits coupled with regular exercise, but still end up feeling tired or feel that you do not have energy, there is a possibility that you are doing something wrong. Getting in touch with a chiropractor in Lawrenceville GA would help you figure out what you are doing wrong, and you can then work on a plan that is devised after taking your particular requirements into consideration.
After all, you should know that while one exercise regimen and diet plan might work for somebody, it is not necessary that it would work for you as well. Taking into account specific requirements is a very important aspect of wellbeing, and a chiropractor receives professional training to do that, and much more.
So if you have been thinking about getting in touch with a chiropractor for wellness care, now is as good a time as any to do so.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Chiropractor in Lawrenceville GA Gives You a Brief about Chiropractic Care
If you are someone who has been in any kind of pain for any period of time and have been unable to find relief despite having tried close to everything, then a trip to a good chiropractor can well be worth the time, money, and effort. Chiropractic care is not limited to treating any one kind of pain, and can be used to provide relief from a number of different conditions.
The common problems that chiropractic care can effectively address include whiplash injuries, sports injuries, different types of headaches, back and neck pain, pain in other body parts, etc. Chiropractic care is also suggested to people who suffer from conditions such as Arthritis, Bursitis, Fibromyalgia, Scoliosis, Tendonitis, etc.
Many people prefer chiropractic care simply because it aims at providing relief without using any painkillers or surgery of any kind. All that a chiropractor generally needs to do is to make some adjustments to your spine, and while these adjustments might seem simple, they do require a lot of expertise.
Chiropractic care can also help improve your immune symptoms, and it can also work in opening up your respiratory system. This is why conditions such as asthma, allergies, sinusitis, and common colds, can also be addressed using chiropractic care.
You do not necessarily have to experience some kind of discomfort before you get in touch with a chiropractor. Getting in touch with a chiropractor can also help you lead a healthy life and this would be through exercise and diet plans, making some lifestyle changes, and therapeutic massages. You should know that an increasing number of people are also getting in touch with chiropractors in order to get help with things such as losing weight, quitting smoking, coping with stress, etc.
So remember that while chiropractic care can be a great way to find relief from pain, it can also be used to lead a healthy life. Research has shown that people who are under chiropractic care tend to sleep better, have lower stress levels, and have better memory. So if you are wondering how a chiropractor in Lawrenceville GA can help you, just make an appointment.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Chiropractor Lawrenceville GA presents a Brief about Chiropractic Care for Children
Even in the early 90’s, close to 20 million children consulted chiropractors each year. Since then, this number has gone up considerably. Conditions that a chiropractor can address when it comes to children include ear, nose and throat infections; allergies; asthma; infantile colic; otitis media; cerebral palsy; headaches; back and neck aches; sleep disturbances; respiratory problems; etc.
Chiropractic care essentially involves manipulation of the spine, and requires to be practiced by someone who has the required skills, training, and experience, all the more so when it comes to dealing with children. Chiropractors (doctor of chiropractic care) use a drug free hands-on approach when it comes to addressing any issue, and the care that is provides comprises of examination and diagnosis, followed by treatment.
While a normal chiropractor has to go through a four year graduate program after the undergrad education, a chiropractor who deals with paediatric care has to go through additional training.
When it comes to treating your child, the first thing that a chiropractor would do is go through your child’s medical history. The spine’s physical examination would follow. Making adjustments is the spines of young children require very gentle pressure to make corrections. There are instances when one can hear a popping sound when these adjustments are being made, but this is only normal and not indicative of any problem.
Chiropractic care is also very important in instances when children are involved in road accidents and come out of them seemingly unhurt. Consulting a chiropractor in such as instance will rule out any whiplash injury, injuries which do not necessarily show up at the time of the accident, and injuries which can manifest till six months after the actual accident.
Remember that consulting a chiropractor for treating your child is something that you should think about, especially if you haven’t found relief even after consulting mainstream doctors and specialists. In fact, there are many members of the medical fraternity who suggest chiropractic care to many of their patients, and if you are looking for a Lawrenceville chiropractor (Chiropractor Lawrenceville GA), do know that you have options.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Chiropractor in Lawrenceville GA Goes Beyond Your Spine
Instances wherein Chiropractic Care can Help:
There are scores of people who can benefit from the care provided by a good chiropractor and these include people who suffer from pain or stiffness in their back, neck, shoulders, hands, arms, abdomen, chest, hips, feet, legs, etc. Chiropractic care is also known to relive many forms of headaches, and can also be used effectively in whiplash injuries, sports injuries, etc. Patients, who suffer from conditions such as Sciatica, Scoliosis, Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Tendonitis, and Bursitis, can also find relief through effective chiropractic care.
Besides, a chiropractor can also help in charting out effective exercise plans, giving therapeutic massages, as well as counselling when it comes to matters such as quitting smoking, stress management, weight loss, and nutritional counselling.
Adjustments in the Spine:
When a person’s vertebra becomes misaligned, pressure can be placed on the nerves around the spine, resulting in pain. This is commonly referred to as ‘subluxation’. A chiropractor would then make the required adjustments to treat the condition. In adjusting the spine, the vertebra is set back in place, and while the adjustment in going on, hearing a small ‘popping’ sound, like the one you hear when you crack your knuckles, is not uncommon.
Chiropractic Care and Weight Loss:
An increasing number of overweight people across the country are now getting in touch with chiropractors aware of the fact that positive results can be achieved. In following chiropractic care for weight loss, you would essentially be using a lot of natural supplements, and no invasive surgery, in order to achieve weight loss. A chiropractor would also help make some lifestyle changes which would be rudimentary in hoping for weight loss.
If you think that you can benefit by getting in touch with a chiropractor in Lawrenceville GA, you should do so immediately. Remember, any condition that is left unattended, will only worsen with the passing of time.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Chiropractor in Lawrenceville GA for Accident Victims
We live in a world that is moving at an increasingly rapid pace, and there are scores of accidents that are simple waiting to happen. When you are involved in an accident, and it isn’t one that has caused you any significant injury, the common thing to do is to simply forget about it and hope that the little pain and discomfort that you’re facing will disappear on its own.
You should know that a large number of accidents result in causing vertebral subluxation complexes in the accident victim and these can lead to further complications. This can happen even if the accident is only a minor one, and this makes it important that you consult a chiropractor.
Road accidents also commonly result in victims suffering from whiplash, again something that requires you to consult a chiropractor. Whiplash is the result of your head and neck being jerked rapidly, and can cause damage to the soft tissue, ligaments, as well as discs that are present in the neck and spine. It can also lead to the stretching, irritation or impingement of the spine and/or nerves. Further complications such as back and neck pain, headaches, anxiety, etc, are also known to accompany whiplash.
The most common way to address most of these problems medically is through the use of painkillers. While painkillers do work in providing the patient with momentary relief, the condition can actually deteriorate if not addressed appropriately in a timely manner. This is why an increasingly number of medical professionals’ now advice their patients who have been involved in accidents to concurrently seek help from a chiropractor.
Chiropractic care works by addressing the core reason behind the problem and does not rely upon the use of painkillers. Besides, chiropractic care aims at providing you with long term relief, and not short term. If you have been involved in an accident in the recent past and think that you do not need any help, it would still be a good idea to consult a chiropractor in Lawrenceville GA.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Chiropractor in Lawrenceville GA for Sciatica Pain and Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic care is often adopted by many for its drug-free concept of treatment for sciatica and all other problems. Chiropractors offer a hands-on approach for treating spine and other joint, muscle, lower back, ligament, etc. related problems. Chiropractic care involves a complete round of treatment starting from examining the patient, diagnosing the problem, and then using the appropriate treatment for it. Using spinal and neck adjustments is a common way of treating sciatica pain through chiropractic care. Massages and stretching exercises are also common for loosening stiff muscles and providing relief from sciatica pain.
Although chiropractic care cannot be considered as a complete solution for sciatica pain, it can definitely be used to reduce the pressure and pain largely. Like all other pain and disorders, sciatica pain also requires specific treatment depending on the intensity of the pain and condition of the patient. It is crucial to ensure that you consult expert chiropractors to avoid any bodily injury or risks of side effects while using chiropractic care.
You will find many good chiropractors practicing in Lawrenceville for treating different kinds of disorders and pains including sciatica. However, it is important that you consult a well-experienced and qualified chiropractor with expertise in the specific area. Verify the license of the chiropractor before you start undergoing any treatment. One of the best ways to find experienced chiropractors in Lawrenceville GA is to browse through the internet. You will find specialists based on their locations in Lawrenceville. Along with location, the internet also displays necessary details of several Lawrenceville chiropractors. The details include their name, address, contact details, education, techniques of treatment, etc. All this information will help you find out the details about the chiropractor's area of specialization, and experience, which will further help you in deciding on the appropriate chiropractor.
Many chiropractors in Lawrenceville GA have their own websites where you can submit your problem by filling a simple online form, and request free consultations. You can also send online requests for appointments. While submitting the request you must provide your contact information (email, telephone number) so that the doctor or the one of the staff working for the doctor can contact you depending on the availability of appointments, or discuss about your problem.
Another way of finding good Lawrenceville chiropractors can be consulting your friends and family who have already taken the help of one. This is a more secured and reliable source of gathering information about expert Lawrenceville chiropractors.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Chiropractor in Lawrenceville GA Explains Chiropractic Care
The idea of chiropractic care is based on the notion that appropriate treatment of the spine can give relief from different types of disorders, and pains. The adjustment of spine can be crucial to fix joint and vertebrae problems and align them to restore normal conditions. The best part about chiropractic care is that it is completely safe if provided by an expert chiropractor. Use of medication is not involved in chiropractic care and thus, it treats in a natural way. Although the effectiveness of chiropractic care depends on the condition of the patient, it is very effective in many cases. For example, if your condition has already reached a stage where surgery cannot be avoided, chiropractic care might not be helpful, but if you have been suffering from pain and discomfort for a long time, and do not require surgery, you can definitely try out chiropractic care.
The method of using chiropractic care is not same for all kinds of patients. You would require taking X-rays to determine the exact condition of the spine or the joint and decide the order of treatment accordingly. Similarly, the treatment for pregnant women and children will also vary from the other common conditions of spinal pain. While pregnant women can benefit largely from chiropractic care for lower back pain and ease of delivery, older children can also improve their overall health through spinal adjustments.
Back surgery patients can also get help from chiropractic care for post surgery care and prevent the chances of further surgical occurrences in future. However, it is important to understand that not all health conditions can be treated with chiropractic care. Diseases that are in no way related to the spinal disorders or joint pain, or misalignment of spine, neck or back joints cannot be treated with chiropractic care such as cancer, diabetes, mental disorders etc.
If you are a resident of Lawrenceville, you can get the help of expert Lawrenceville chiropractors to treat your joint, muscle, and spine problems. Multiple websites host the information of experienced and qualified Chiropractor in Lawrenceville GA providing care and treatment for different types of problems. You can request appointments or free consultations by filling up simple online forms. You can also contact the staff of the clinic by dialing the numbers displayed on the website. Along with the contact information, you can also find details of the chiropractor's experience, qualification, and treatment history on the websites. You can browse through patient reviews to figure out how reputed the chiropractor is. Alternatively, you can ask your friends and families for good Chiropractor in Lawrenceville GA whom they have visited and found the treatment effective.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
How Beneficial is Chiropractor in Lawrenceville GA
There are multiple benefits of chiropractic care which helps in maintaining good body condition and improving your overall health. Good chiropractic care and help you in recovering back pains so that you do not reach a condition where surgery becomes necessary. It is an excellent way of relaxation and is even known for reducing the chances of various types of addiction in a person. If you have undergone a serious injury or illness that has left your bones and muscles weak, chiropractic care can help you regain your lost strength. Disorders such as Fibromyalgia, caused due to extreme weakness and discomfort can also be treated through expert chiropractic care which will help in improving the function of the entire skeletal system of your body. If you are suffering from jaw disorders or discomfort, you can try chiropractic care to adjust your lower jaw bone and prevent discomfort caused due to facial bone disorders.
Chiropractic care can be extremely helpful for pregnant women. Some of the major benefits of adopting chiropractic care during pregnancy include reduced labor time during delivery, increased chances of full-term delivery, relief from neck, joint, and back pains, controlled nausea symptoms, and reduced chances of cesarean section. Good chiropractic care will also increase the overall health of the mother and the baby by improving hormonal releases to relax body muscles.
In order to find the best Lawrenceville chiropractors, you can browse through the internet. You will find web directories with names and listings of many reputed Chiropractors in Lawrenceville GA. The websites provide detailed information about the chiropractor's profile as well as other necessary information. Most websites will allow you to request for appointments by filling up online forms. You can also send enquiries by sending emails to the given mail address or contact the clinic staff for free consultation over telephone. Many websites have video files featuring the doctor speaking to the patients about chiropractic care and how the treatment can help patients get relief from continuous pain. You might also find patient testimonials and other chiropractic care related articles on these websites. These articles can be a good source of gaining knowledge about chiropractic care so that you can decide how suitable it might be for your condition, depending on the extent of the problem.
Alternatively, if you have friends and family who have taken help from any Chiropractor in Lawrenceville GA and benefitted from the treatment, you can always make a visit to this doctor. However, you must ensure that the conditions treated for your friends or families are similar to yours. Just as the right kind of chiropractic care can work wonders for you, the wrong treatment might cause serious harm to your bones and muscles. Therefore, it always advisable to consult a doctor to understand the exact nature of your problem and then adopt the appropriate chiropractic care.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Chiropractor in Lawrenceville GA for Automobile Accidents
There are instances when whiplash symptoms can even take months to manifest. Research has gone to show that a majority of the people who experience whiplash injuries experience most of their symptoms only a few days after the accident.
Chiropractic care in such a situation can be very beneficial. Even if you do not experience pain immediately the accident; even if people tell you that medications and rest will do the trick; even if your insurance might not cover it; getting a Chiropractor in Lawrenceville GA to examine you at this point can save you going through unnecessary pain later on.
Something as simple as a vertebra moving out of place can have significant implications on your neck. But you would only get an indication after you start experiencing pain and discomfort.
Cases surrounding whiplash injuries are varied. Patients can start experiencing headaches a few days after the injuries, and this is generally due to ligaments around the cervical region being injured. Headaches can also result due to some amount of injury to the brain. The impact of the accident could result in the brain colliding with the skull, which could lead to the brain being bruised.
In such instances you could also experience absent mindedness, disorientation, irritability, sleep depravity, problems in concentration levels, etc. You could also suffer from dizziness in case you have a whiplash injury.
Cases of people involved in automobile accidents complaining of lower back pain are not uncommon. The impact of an accident can cause your lower back to compress, especially in cases of side and rear impact collisions.
Another problem associated with whiplash is TMJ (temporomandibular joint dysfunction). This is where you would experience popping or clicking sounds when you move your jaw. This can also lead to you experiencing facial pain, ear pain, and headaches. You could also find eating and speaking to de difficult.
In any such scenario, consulting a Chiropractor in Lawrenceville GA will only do you good, and seeing one as soon as possible should be your top priority.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Mesothelioma Patients Can Visit Chiropractors for Pain Management
Many cancer patients have chosen to visit a chiropractor as part of their treatment routine. According to the American Chiropractic Association, chiropractic doctors ìhave a deep respect for the human body's ability to heal itself without the use of surgery or medication. These doctors devote careful attention to the biomechanics, structure and function of the spine, its effects on the musculoskeletal and neurological systems, and the role played by the proper function of these systems in the preservation and restoration of health. A doctor of chiropractic is one who is involved in the treatment and prevention of disease, as well as the promotion of public health, and a wellness approach to patient healthcare.î
Cancer patients that have included chiropractic care in their course of treatment have found that it can help control pain and alleviate headaches, tension and stress. Relieving severe headaches and movement pains during cancer treatment may make the treatment process more comfortable for cancer patients, including those battling mesothelioma.
A study was published in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics that examined a 54-year-old man diagnosed with lung cancer (a cancer often related to asbestos exposure). The man began seeing a chiropractor after experiencing very little pain relief one year after he underwent surgery to combat his cancer. The man experienced pain relief immediately after beginning chiropractic care and stopped using all of his pain medications after two visits to his chiropractor. The Journal noted, ìThese clinical examples offer two specific instances of how chiropractic may improve the quality of a cancer patientÃs life.î
Monday, September 28, 2009
Chiropractor in Lawrenceville GA for Sciatica (Sciatic Pain)
While people to tend to think of Sciatica as a disorder, this isn’t actually the case. This is basically just a symptom that points in the direction of sciatic nerve probably being compressed. This could happen due to the varied changes that the spine goes through and could include trauma, old age, or the nerve being strangulated by a muscle.
The first thing that needs to be done in such a case is to identify what is causing the problem. Addressing this problem is best left to a Chiropractor, and Chiropractic care can help identify the source of the problem.
If you experience sciatic pain, you could suffer from one of the following conditions.
Herniated Discs:
This is when pressure is caused due to a bulging or herniated disc. This can be due to events such as automobile accidents, or extended periods of uneven pressure being applied owing to muscle imbalance. While this can result in sciatic pain, there are instances when people with this condition experience no pain at all, not even being aware of the condition’s existence.
Piriformis Syndrome:
This is a very common reason for the occurrence of sciatic pain, and this is when the piriformis muscle applies pressure on the sciatic nerve. A muscle imbalance would pull the pelvis and the hip joints out of place, thereby causing the piriformis muscle’s positioning to change, which would then lead to pressure being applied to the sciatic nerve, resulting in pain.
Isthmic Spondylolisthesis:
This is when pressure is caused due to Isthmic spondylolisthesis, which is basically just a vertebra moving or slipping. While this can, at times, touch the sciatic nerve, there are people with this condition who do not complain of sciatic pain.
In looking for relief from sciatic pain in any of these cases, you can truly benefit from Chiropractic care by visiting a chiropractor in Lawrenceville GA.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Healing Pain the Natural way with Chiropractor in Lawrenceville GA
The benefits of chiropractic care can be counted in more ways than one. Since this treatment focuses on healing in the natural way, the benefits of chiropractic care can have multiple health benefits. While some people have experienced improved eyesight, some have stopped complaining about their breathing problems. On the other hand, the effect of the treatment has reflected in a better digestive system in many. Chiropractic care is also efficient in improving blood circulation and heart rates.
Besides all this, the nervous system also has the positive impact in the form of better connectivity among the muscles, nerves, and the entire musculoskeletal system. The well being of the body depends largely on how well the nervous system functions, and so, with the help of chiropractic care the complete body network gets benefited, improving the overall health significantly.
Chiropractic care can be categorized into two to three major categories, namely, Relief Care, Maintenance Care, and Corrective Care. As the name suggests, Relief Care provides immediate relief from pain and anxiety. Depending on the level of damage, your chiropractor decides how many sittings you might require to get complete relief. Maintenance Care refers to the after treatment therapy, where your spine has already been treated but still requires constant attention to help the spine recover from the weakness. Depending on the intensity of the problem, you might require in every 2 to 6 weeks. Corrective Care is provided to those suffering from spinal discomfort and pain for a long time. Corrective Care requires is usually provided for a longer duration till the damage has been corrected. The duration will depend on the level of damaged sustained by you.
If you are in Lawrenceville and looking out for a reputed Chiropractor in Lawrenceville GA, you can browse through the internet and get details of some of the best Lawrenceville chiropractors. Many websites offer free consultation opportunities for which you simply need to dial the number displayed on the website and discuss your problems. You can also request appointments by filling up simple online forms. All you need to do is provide some details such as your name, intended date and time of appointment, your telephone number and email, specify whether you are a new or existing patient, etc. Depending on the availability you will receive a reply on your appointment status. Alternatively, you can take references from your friends and family, who have undergone chiropractic treatment with some experienced and reputed Chiropractor in Lawrenceville GA.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Chiropractor in Lawrenceville GA for Headache
One might wonder how can this greatly affect and have an impact on health care. The correlation between headaches and productivity has been tied up together with the frequent tardiness and absenteeism of employees. Many universities and clinics have already made different studies and surveys regarding the correlation. The results have proved their observations and assumptions right.
The number of people that lacks understanding on the cause of migraine has been increasing. People often would take headaches not seriously. It wouldn’t even cross their mind to visit a chiropractor to get a chiropractic care. It was also observed that people suffering from severe headaches often visit a chiropractor due to treatment dissatisfaction from medical health professionals. They would rather have a chiropractic care than a medicine intake.
Best treatment for headaches
Simple headaches have a number of medical treatment options available. There are prevention medicines which are normally taken daily to avoid current episode or future occurrence of a headache. Prescriptions can come in the form of beta blockers, analgesics or non-steroid Imitrex and some resort to injections of narcotic in cases of emergency situations.
Chiropractic treatment is a practical treatment to prevent future episodes. This includes adjustments and manipulation of cervical spine, occiput and the upper thoracic. It has actually been proven to be effective from curing the headaches. The chiropractic care is supplemented only if headaches are diagnosed to have a connection with the neck and spine.
Whether or not you decide to choose what best option you have, you should not ignore or take headache for granted especially when it is recurring and chronic already. Most of the time, we would self diagnose and take pain relievers hoping that it would go away and never happen again. There are different causes and so the treatment to the specific cause must be identified in order to carefully assess what is the best thing to do.
Although medicines would sometimes and generally reduce the throbbing, it is also recommended to go and see a chiropractor. It would be worthy to give yourself a proper chiropractic care.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Essential Elements of Weight Loss using Chiropractic Techniques

Weight loss is perhaps the most sought after treatments today, with increasing number of people suffering from excess weight due to wrong eating, lack of exercise and hectic lifestyles. Many companies are providing various kinds of diet programs that guarantee weight loss but most do not produce any results while many cause harmful side effects that lead to myriad problems later in life. While choosing a diet program or a weight loss regime, it is important to understand the exact nature of our body and accordingly choose one. This is the basic quotient of chiropractic weight loss method that is now prevalent in many parts of the world. Chiropractors use your body history and strengths to help you lose weight effectively and maintain that weight loss over a period of time.
Chiropractic care deals with your weight problem holistically, addressing all possible issues and reasons simultaneously. In addition, chiropractors design your diet and exercise regime based on the detailed study of your body history and requirements. Given the fact that it is a personal diet and exercise regime design, it is more effective than all the general diet programs available in the market. Moreover, the constant inputs and motivation from the chiropractor ensures that you continue with the program. Chiropractors have helped millions of people lose weight by this personalized regime and have been successful in maintaining the weight loss.
Prior to choosing this treatment for weight loss, it is important that you understand the basics of chiropractic care for weight loss. The first step in any weight loss regime using chiropractic techniques is to conduct a complete body analysis, which includes details of current body weight, height, blood pressure details, medical history, details of ailments etc. This works as a base for chiropractors to design the entire weight loss program for the concerned person. In addition, some chiropractors conduct extensive tests and also body composition diagnosis so as to get a perfect picture of the actual problem.
Based on the results of all the tests and complete history of the person, a diet and exercise regime is created to suit individual needs. In addition, the chiropractor counsels his patients about diet, healthy eating, proper eating and all necessary dietary routines that need to be followed. Nutritional supplements and herbal medicines may also be used for weight loss, if required but this largely depends on the individual and the chiropractor. Apart from a balanced diet, chiropractors advise their patients on the different kinds of exercise routines that should follow the diet program. Exercise regime starts from simple exercises that require less time to a more full fledged workout and in addition, chiropractors help you learn how to lose double the weight in half the time by spending more energy while doing something.
Finally, for any weight loss program to be effective, it has to become a part of your lifestyle. Chiropractors help inculcate this diet program into your lifestyle and ease the transition from your earlier lifestyle into the new one. In addition, they counsel their patients on various behavioral problems that might be the cause of excessive weight.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Weight Loss is Achievable through Chiropractic techniques

Excessive weight is probably the most common problem among people, given their sedentary lifestyle and excessive eating. Weight loss has almost become an obsession with people intent on trying anything new. Crash diets, weight training, you name it and people have tried it, only to fail. Ever wondered the reason for such failure? All these programs have their positive aspects and are really good by themselves, yet many fail to produce long term results, mainly due to lack of consistency and perseverance.
Chiropractic techniques are non surgical techniques using a lot of natural supplements that help weight loss in a person. Chiropractors help you in your weight loss endeavor by making certain lifestyle changes that are requisite for weight loss. The chiropractic approach towards weight loss is essentially four fold, namely, diet and nutrition, exercise, massage therapy and lifestyle modification.
Diet and nutrition are the most important factors of any weight loss program and you should never go on a crash diet as they do not help in weight loss. Instead of going on crash diets, a sensible method would be to get rid of all foods that have a high fat content. You have to make a conscious change in the kind of food you eat and be aware of the nutritional value of each ingredient or component. Chiropractors help you identify good nutritional supplements and foods that help in overcoming your problem of excessive weight. As selection of these products is based on your blood type and body type, they are perfectly safe and promise results.

Exercise is another important factor that determines weight loss or increase in our body. Chiropractors help identify sensible and safe exercises that help in weight loss without causing any harm to other body parts. However, it is important to understand that all things must start and continue at a slow pace, in order to achieve big results. Slow and steady wins the race, an old adage is apt in this situation. Chiropractic techniques help in identifying simpler exercise sessions that are well spaced out for beginners and then increase the time frame for more experienced people.
Massage therapy has been successfully used by Chiropractors for weight loss and are integrated within their weight loss program to supplement the other approaches. Massage or hands on manipulation of the body is an integral part of chiropractic treatment and has use even in producing weight loss in a person. There are various massage points and types that are manipulated by chiropractors to achieve their desired results.
Finally, people tend to put on weight due to overeating and reasons for overeating could be anything from depression, anxiety, loneliness and it is important to eliminate such problems by making lifestyle changes. It is also equally important to set realistic goals and achieve them instead of expecting a lot. Chiropractors help in making lifestyle changes and also counsel their patients on their various problems, thereby helping them in their weight loss endeavor. It is always good to remember that weight is gained instantly but it takes time to lose it, so have patience and persevere, you will definitely attain positive results through chiropractic care.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Learn More About Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Like any other ailment, the cause of CTS can be attributed to many factors :
1. A congenital predisposition - the carpal tunnel is simply smaller for some individuals.
2. Wrist trauma or injury - sprain or fracture, over-activity of the pituitary gland, hypothyroidism, and, rheumatoid arthritis
3. Mechanical problems in the wrist joint
4. Work stress
5. Repeated use of vibrating hand tools
6. Fluid retention during pregnancy or menopause
7. Development of a cyst or tumor in the canal
Here are some interesting facts about CTS : It is three times more likely to happen to women as men maybe because women’s carpal tunnel is smaller than men; It is usually experienced by adults. Now that we know these facts, what are the risks involved?
Persons with diabetes or other metabolic disorders are at high risk.
People who are in the assembly line work (manufacturing, sewing, finishing, cleaning, and meat, poultry, or fish packing) are more likely to develop CTS. A research even showed that it is 3x more common among assemblers than data encoders.
Do not procrastinate. When you feel the symptoms already, it is always best to consult a doctor. Have your treatment done as early as possible. Let us look how CTS is treated in different ways at different levels. Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) results in more than two million visits to physicians' offices each year.
First level
1. Affected hand and wrist should be rested for at least 2 weeks
2. Avoid activities that may worsen symptoms
3. Use a splint for your arm to immobilizing the wrist and avoid it from twisting and bending.
4. Apply cool packs to reduce swelling if it is inflamed
Second level
1. Intake of drugs to ease the pain and swelling caused by CTS
2. Do some stretching and strengthening exercises to abate the symptoms. Seek the help of physical or occupational therapists.
3. Take some Yoga lessons which have been proven to reduce pain and improve grip strength of CTS patients. Some will suggest acupuncture and chiropractic care but there is still no proven study on its effectiveness.
Third level
1. Surgery – Some statistics indicates that there is an approximately 260,000 carpal tunnel surgeries performed each year in the U.S. alone. There are two kind of CT release surgery :
Open release surgery - a traditional procedure done to an outpatient. This procedure is used to correct carpal tunnel syndrome which is performed under local anesthesia.
Endoscopic surgery – this procedure allows faster functional recovery. It also brings less postoperative discomfort than traditional open release surgery.
Prevention is always better. But is there a way to prevent it? Read on and find out how you can prevent CTS:
- perform stretching exercises
- take frequent rest breaks
- wear splints to keep wrists straight
- use correct posture and wrist position
Monday, August 17, 2009
Defining Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Fact is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is not a byproduct of the computer age as others would think of it. Did you know that CTS is recognized for as long as the mid-1800s? We did some research and found out more about CTS. Read on find out what CTS really is and the different symptoms related to it.
Carpal tunnel syndrome defined
We cannot define CTS without being scientific. So we looked for the simplest scientific definition and have borrowed that of The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Strokes description : “CTS happens when the median nerve, which runs from the forearm into the hand, becomes pressed or squeezed at the wrist. The median nerve controls sensations to the palm side of the thumb and fingers (although not the little finger), as well as impulses to some small muscles in the hand that allow the fingers and thumb to move.”
Carpus in Greek means "karpos" and when translated in English - wrist. The band of fibrous tissue that surrounds the wrist functions as a support for the joint. The tight space between this fibrous band and the wrist bone is called the carpal tunnel.
The carpal tunnel syndrome is the disease and not the carpal tunnel. To fully understand the syndrome, we must also describe the carpal tunnel. As mentioned, it is not an illness but it is mainly the narrow, rigid passageway of ligament and bones at the base of the hand.
The carpal tunnel houses the median nerve and tendons. And when the median nerve is compressed it may result in pain, numbness or weakness in the hand and wrist which even spreads up in the arm.
What are the different symptoms of CTS? How would one know that they are experiencing CTS already? The symptoms may be categorized into three levels.
First level Symptom: CTS usually starts gradually in the palm of the hand and fingers (especially the thumb, index and middle fingers) with the following sensation:
- frequent burning
- tingling
- itching numbness
- feel useless and swollen
- often first appear in one or both hands during the night
Second level symptom: The symptoms in the first level worsens. In this level, people generally feel the following :
- tingling during the day
- decreased grip strength
Third level symptom: In chronic cases, people will most of the time feel the following :
- muscles at the base of the thumb may waste away
- unable to tell between hot and cold by touch
They say that CTS is experienced by 5% of the population. Getting to know the symptoms and knowing what CTS is will help you determine the sensation that you are feeling. Do not just take things for granted. Immediately consult your doctor.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Chiropractic Care – An Overview
This is an alternative/complementary health care form which focuses on our body structure and specializes in correcting various disorders / ailments such as back or neck pain, fibromyalgia, sciatica, and headaches and can also prove helpful when dealing with accident cases.
Chiropractic care, opposed to popular notion, is not so much as alternative form of medicine as it is a complementary form. Chiropractors essentially work along with other professionals from the medical fraternity in trying to help their patients.
Chiropractic care is regarded as a conservative form of treatment that does not involve any drugs. In opting for chiropractic care, you are essentially allowing your body to work on healing itself without any drugs, medication, or surgery. Chiropractic care is regarded as a natural approach to addressing health care issues, and can help you with your overall fitness and wellbeing as well.
Chiropractic doctors help people across all age groups and the popularity and acceptance of this form of treatment is growing continually, the world over. Apart from the benefits mentioned above, Chiropractic doctors also help people with conditions such as insomnia and tension.
While the practicing styles of different Chiropractic professionals might vary, they all basically rely on precisely adjusting the body’s musculoskeletal system by using non surgical and non invasive techniques.
Chiropractic care originally evolved in the US and it now is a licensed health care form in all the American states. Chiropractic care is also given in the UK, Canada, Australia, and more than a hundred other countries the world over.
While Chiropractic care is looked upon as a non traditional health care form, it is clearly distinguished from the ‘American Medical Association’ (AMA). Individuals who are licensed to practice the chiropractic system are referred to as Chiropractic doctors, Chiropractors, or Chiropractic physicians.
While a number of people think that Chiropractors haven’t studied much, this is far from the truth. In order to qualify to be a chiropractor, one needs to have studied in a pre professional college for a minimum of three years and then study for four years in a Chiropractic accredited college. Upon completion of the course, a state license board exam also needs to be passed before one can start practicing. Besides, a number of states within the US require Chiropractors to continue earning education credits in order to retain their licenses to practice.
You should also now that Chiropractic care is covered by a number of health insurance firms, compensation systems, etc. Also, the number of Chiropractors has risen considerably in the past. While there were around 35,000 Chiropractic doctors in the US in the 80s, the number has now risen to well over 70,000.
Besides, with ongoing research, this form of treatment is only expanding and strengthening its understanding of the functioning of the human body. So if you are in any kind of pain or are going through any kind of physical discomfort, visiting a Chiropractor could very well do the trick.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Are You Suffering From Disc Disorders?
We have the answer you've been looking for!!! We have a disc decompression table that helps rejuvenate the discs without pain or discomfort! Find out how you can get help without the use of drugs or surgery.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Pitcher gets Famous Thanks to Chiropractic Help
Cole Hamels, the baseball pitcher, was part of his team's disabled list around a year back, and had to sit out a majority of the games during that period due to injuries. This is the same pitcher that is now being celebrated as the Most Valuable Player for helping his team win the World Championship in the World Series 2008.
He pitches for the Philadelphia Phillies. He started to develop elbow problems during the last part of the 2007 season, and these were so bad that they kept him on the side-lines. He had suffered from knee pain and hip pain related matters earlier but had received help in the form of Chiropractic assistance.
Before the start of the 2008 season, he is known to have requested his team's management for the availability of Chiropractic care to be given to him and his fellow teammates when they played in Philadelphia. He also requested that this Chiropractic care also be provided in the other cities that they travel to playing their scheduled games.
Once the team management agreed, Hamels went on to say that using a Chiropractor's help had worked very well for him, and that it was a good thing that the management had put in place, a team of Chiropractors in different cities. This was in April 2009. He went on to saying that after this Chiropractic care was made completely available, he had an opinion that they could achieve the 20 game winning mark for that season.
While he did not get to the 20 game number that he had set out for, he did finish the year with a notable 14-10 record. This got his team to the conference championship, and also got them a spot in the play offs. This is the time when Hamels began to do extremely well.
The first of his play off appearances was in opposition to the Milwaukee Brewers. He did a great job and got his team in the next round where they had to face the Los Angeles Dodgers. He pitched in their series first game and again helped his team win, getting his team a spot in the World Series. The MVP was then awarded to Hamels for the League Championship Series.
Owing to the recent success, and feeling good about his health, the World Series saw him taking to the mound in the first game opposite the Tampa Bay Rays, and helping his team get a victory. Hamels was called to play again in the last game, and pitched his way to victory. He got the much sought after MVP award for his performance in the 2008 World Series.
His amazing performance in the post season coupled with the record of 4 wins and no losses will surely be remembered for some time to come. In contrast to the 2007 season, where he was nursing his pitching arm, Hamels was now in the spotlight, and even featured on a number of TV shows such as the Late Night Show with David Letterman.
It is obvious that the confidence that he had in Chiropractic care along with his willingness to work in taking care of his fitness, had helped him succeed during the season. Well done Chiropractors, the Phillies, and Cole Hamels.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Pro athletes benefit from chiropractic care
In the previous year, baseball teams like the Boston Red Sox (World champions) and the Philadelphia Phillies have employed the services of Chiropractors to help their players perform well and remain in top notch condition. Clubs in the major league have to play 162 games as part of the schedule, and this includes a fair amount of travelling as well. Typical baseball seasons begin in late Feb and go on till early Oct. Teams looking at Playoffs or the World series have to push till late Oct.
The players of the Boston Red Sox can be seen with their Chiropractor, Michael Weinman, D.C, for 3 to 4 hours before they start their home games. He says that players can stay away from bothersome injuries and also perform at optimum levels when their muscles, joints, as well as nerves, are all in top condition. He also says that adjustments made by a Chiropractor can also better one's overall physical health and thereby result in excellent performances.
Injuries that are common in baseball players include mid & low back injury, neck injury, rotator-cuff injury, and also hamstring injury. Hamstring related problems normally start because of players having to suddenly leap into action fast from a standing position while making their plays.
Most of Dr. Weinman's work involves helping thwart inflammations, breaking up adhesions, and adjusting various joints to enhance mobility. He, along with his trainers, physical therapists, and massage therapists look to have had a good effect on the team, as they won against the Colorado Rookies in four straight games, to win the World Series.
The Phillies are now to have a Chiropractors network in all the cities where they are scheduled to play their games (home and away). The first player in the team who requested the presence of Chiropractors was the pitcher, Cole Hammels. He is of the opinion that he missed out on games in 2007 (being on the disabled list) because he did not get Chiropractic assistance for his elbow strain.
Hamels also said that he was very happy with the knowledge that the team was making efforts to ensure that they get Chiropractic assistance while they are paying in different cities. Other players in the team are also likely to take the assistance of the Chiropractors in coping with the adjusting extremities. He added that owing to consulting a Chiropractor he has surely benefited, and that it was great that the team was going out of their way to provide the players with this assistance. According to Hamels, the team could very well get to be a 20 game winner in this season, thanks to the Chiropractic services that are now available to all the players of the team.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Natural solution to depression
People who are suffering from depression take prescription drugs to deal with their everyday life. These people may benefit greatly from natural herbal remedy that is time-tested instead of taking prescription medication. St. John's wort is well known for its treatment for mild to moderate symptoms of depression that may prove to be even more effective than antidepressants.
The definition of the word "wort" is medicinal plant. It is made from the extracts of Hypericum Perforatum plant also known as Tipton's weed. It has been prescribed in the European countries as a depression and sleep disorder treatment.
The Centre for Complementary Medicine in Munich, Germany recently conducted a study with 5,489 patients with symptoms of serious depression. The lead researcher Klaus Linde said that St. John's Wort used in the study were superior to the placebos and as effective as the antidepressants with less side effects. Also, interestingly enough, fewer persons taking the St. John's Wort dropped out of the study due to unpleasant side effects.
Although the study result proved the benefits of St. John's Wort, Linde suggests patients to be cautious when switching to the herbal remedy. "Using a St. John's wort extract might be justified, but products on the market vary considerably," he said.
It is still very good to know the impact that St. John's Wort could have with the large population in the U.S. turning to prescription medication for even mild symptoms of depression. Based on the results of this study, many Americans can seek help without the use of these toxic and addictive drugs.
As a Wellness professional, I believe that excellent physical health naturally creates excellent mental health. When the body is sick, so is the mind. In our office, we not only treat the physical misalignment of the body, but we also provide nutritional analysis to see what is causing the lack of energy or sleep that may cause your mood to be poor.
Dr. Ross Carter D.C.
Chief Wellness Consultant
Discover Family Wellness Center
1860 Duluth Hwy
Suite 103
Lawrenceville, GA 30043
(770) 817-4445
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Exercise reduces chances of stroke
The study consisted of 61,000 participants from 1970 and ended in 2001 at the Cooper Aerobics Center in Dallas, Texas. The age range was 18 to 100 and no one had a cardiovascular challenge. In the duration of the study, 692 men and 171 women had strokes.
The study started with testing the participants' fitness level by using treadmills and they were divided into four groups according to their fitness level. The results were that men with the highest fitness level had 40 percent lower chance of having a stroke than those men in lower fitness level. Even the participants who engaged in moderate activity such as taking a walk 5 days a week had benefited greatly. The results were women were about the same.
The positive effects of exercising outweighed the chances of bad health conditions that are caused from smoking, history of cardiovascular disease, alcohol consumption, high blood pressure and cholesterol, and diabetes.
Most participants were mainly caucasian who are well educated and have upper income levels, so the results for other ethnic groups and lifestyle levels needs to be researched. However, physical fitness reducing the chances of stroke is inevitable. Even if a person doesn't own a exercise machines such as treadmills, a brisk walk for 30 minutes, 5 days a week or walking in the mall with friends will do the trick.